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What are benefits of wife sharing

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Submitted by mercyless190
Published on 26.07.2021
217 days ago

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640 days ago

If you have a wife that has a higher sex drive than you, like my wife does, wife sharing does have benefits and drawbacks. The benefits are that when she has sex with another man, it's no longer cheating. It's still adultery, but its not cheating. Entering into a hot wife lifestyle lets you have a say in the ground rules, like: no strangers unless we both agree, her main (other than me) partner has to also be married (and cheating - his wife can't know), she has to be open about what's going on, etc. Other benefits are is that it stays all about the sex. Also, a married partner is more discreet and less likely to form a jealous attachment. Finally, it's kinky as hell and we both enjoy the thrill. Drawbacks are that it's adultery and a moment of indescretion can destroy my wife's partner's own marriage. Also, even though I've had a vasectomy, my wife had to go back on birth control pills. She detests condoms. If my wife's married partner got her pregnant, that would bring things crashing down. Birth control pills allow for spontinaity and lets her enjoy her partner's fluids. Also, I had to deal with the fact that my wofe and her partner had their own kinks and had a different kind of sex than she has with me. Again, my wife's sex with her married partner is all about sex. Kinky, hot, clit-driven sex. Just some things to think about before going down that path.



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